
A Guide to Grooming Puppies

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Grooming is the best way to ensure your puppy looks and feels their absolute best! They may not like it. They may even complain about it. But your puppy needs to be groomed regularly to maintain their health. Along with baths, you will also need to trim your puppy’s nails, brush their teeth, and perform […]

Grooming is the best way to ensure your puppy looks and feels their absolute best! They may not like it. They may even complain about it. But your puppy needs to be groomed regularly to maintain their health. Along with baths, you will also need to trim your puppy’s nails, brush their teeth, and perform other types of grooming. Check out these important tips to help make grooming a relaxing experience for your four-legged friend!

1. Coat Maintenance

Most puppies begin to shed their soft coat at around 4-6 months of age, though the exact age range varies between breeds. Don’t worry if you notice your pup shedding their fur—it may mean they’re growing into adulthood! Regardless of your puppy’s breed, you should always brush their coat on a daily basis. Daily brushing eliminates knots and tangles, and encourages healthy coat growth.

2. Bathing

Most puppies aren’t exactly fond of bathtime, but it’s highly important for their coat and skin. Your puppy, depending on its breed, coat type and environment, may not need to be bathed as frequently. For most dogs, a good bathing once a month is enough to keep them clean and fresh! If you have trouble getting your puppy into the bathtub, try using positive reinforcement, like treats and praises. This allows them to associate positive experiences with bathtime, making it easier for you to bathe your pup in the future. 

3. Hair Trimming

Many puppies have long, shiny hair that can be styled in various ways. While lustrous hair is beautiful on many breeds, it can be quite hard to maintain. Hair that isn’t consistently groomed and trimmed can lead to knots and tangles. When trimming your puppy’s hair, use blunt-nosed scissors to avoid cuts and other injuries. You should also use treats and toys to calm your pup down.

4. Teeth Cleaning

A clean and fresh mouth is a sign of good hygiene and health in your puppy. As a puppy, your furbaby has 28 teeth in their mouth, which they eventually lose to allow 42 adult teeth to set in. To maintain that perfect mouth, it’s heavily recommended to brush them with dog-friendly toothpaste. You should also check your puppy’s teeth for any plaque, tartar, tooth decay and other dental problems that can lead to diseases. 

5. Nails

You may think it’s better to avoid cutting their nails, but we don’t think that’s a good idea! Long, unkempt nails may cause scratches or even cuts, especially if your puppy has a habit of jumping on you. You should introduce your furry friend to the nail clippers before cutting away—this can help calm down any nerves. You can also engage your puppy with daily exercise to keep their nails worn down.

6. Ears

Your puppy’s ears are very sensitive to loud noises. They may get dirty after rolling around in the grass during playtime. Keep their ears clean by applying an ear cleaning solution into their ears. Massage the bottom of the ear for around 30 seconds before wiping any excess with a cotton ball. If you notice a waxy or pungent smell from your pup’s ears, they may have an ear infection, and will need to see a vet.

7. Paws

A puppy’s paws is one of the most delicate parts of their body. When taking them outside, you should walk in areas without much debris. We also recommend checking their paws after every walk, and look for any wounds, infections, or debris. Carefully remove any debris with a soft cloth.

Grooming takes some work, but we assure you—it’s worth it! Seeing your puppy looking so carefree and beautiful is what makes grooming so great. It also has the added benefit of helping you bond with your pooch and develop a lifelong friendship. We hope these tips help you keep your puppy looking flawless!