
3 Ways to Train Your Cat To Use the Litter Box

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It’s typically easier to teach a kitty to use their litter box than it is to potty train a puppy. Most of the time, kittens who reach 8 weeks of age will know what their litter box is for, sparing you the time and effort from training sessions. Some kitties, such as those younger than […]

It’s typically easier to teach a kitty to use their litter box than it is to potty train a puppy. Most of the time, kittens who reach 8 weeks of age will know what their litter box is for, sparing you the time and effort from training sessions. Some kitties, such as those younger than 8 weeks old, may need some help before they become litter box experts!

Follow these tips to successfully train your cute and cuddly kitten to use their litter box:

1. Introducing the litter box

You can’t begin training your kitty unless you introduce them to the item in question. Place your kitten on the litter box after every meal or nap time. Observe what happens when they’re in the box. 

If your kitten doesn’t scratch or dig at the sand, encourage them by grabbing his paws and scratching the sand with them. This encourages them to perform the action and do their business. However, make sure to give your kitty cat some privacy when they’re using their litter box. Give your cat their bathroom privacy, and give praises once you see they’ve eliminated on the litter box sand. 

Like with puppies, avoid using negative reinforcement during training. Yelling or scolding your kitty will likely frighten them and make them reluctant to using the litter box. Make sure to clean dirty areas with an enzyme-based cleaner.

2. Choosing the right box

Make sure you own at least one litter box per kitty, as well as an extra one (just in case). If you own two or more kitties, it’s best to keep their litter boxes at a good distance away from each other. Some cats tend to be pretty protective over their boxes—it’s a cat thing! 

Make sure the litter box you choose for your kitten is the right size for it. Your kitty should be able to step over the sides without having to jump. Your kitten’s litter box should also be made of material that doesn’t absorb liquid like cardboard. 

You should also choose the kind of litter box you cat likes to eliminate in. For example, some cats like litter boxes with tops but others would rather use a topless box. When you choose the right litter box, your cat will feel comfortable using it whenever they want.

3. Choosing the right litter

You have many options when it comes to kitty litter. This includes clumping, non-clumping, and crystal. To better ensure which litter you cat likes, you will need to experiment. 

Remember that litter boxes need to be regularly cleaned; adding more litter to the box is not correct cleaning! This means you will need to scoop any waste out of the box at least once a day, and change the entire litter every week. The litter you choose should also not contain any scents as this can discourage your kitten from using their litter box.Of course, when you notice strange elimination behavior from your cat, consult your vet. 

Cats are smart animals, and with enough practice, they will get the hang of their litter box. Make sure their litter box is just right for them, and when in doubt, consult your vet. We hope these tips help you and your kitty bond together during the potty training process!