Best Dog Breeds for Hot Weather

Chihuahua Dalmatian dog breeds Great Dane Italian Greyhound yorkshire terrier

Petland Texas knows a thing or two about hot weather. If you live in Florida or any of the “summer-year-round” States of the U.S., then it’s a good idea to get a puppy that belongs to a “hot weather” breed.   Some dog breeds are genetically predisposed to feel more comfortable in hot weather, while other […]

Petland Texas knows a thing or two about hot weather. If you live in Florida or any of the “summer-year-round” States of the U.S., then it’s a good idea to get a puppy that belongs to a “hot weather” breed.  

Some dog breeds are genetically predisposed to feel more comfortable in hot weather, while other breeds could be in danger if they live in warm-weather climates.  

This article will cover the best dog breeds for hot weather, which include:

  • Chihuahua
  • Great Dane
  • Dalmatian
  • Yorkshire Terrier
  • Italian Greyhound

Read on to learn about what makes each of these dog breeds so comfortable in hot weather climates. 


Native to Mexico, the Chihuahua feels quite comfortable in hot weather. This petite dog breed can have either short or long hair, but either way, its thin skin and specific hair texture aren’t capable of keeping this dog warm in cold climates. However, in hot climates, the Chihuahua is able to stay cool thanks to those attributes. 

Chihuahuas are so small that they’re considered part of the “toy” size category. Some Chihuahuas weigh as little as 2 lbs! Amazingly, Chihuahuas can live as long as 20 years! If you’re looking for a pint-sized friend to bask in the sun with, then the Chihuahua dog breed is a great choice of fur baby. 


If tiny, toy-sized dogs aren’t your cup of tea, how about taking home one of the largest dog breeds around? The Great Dane is not only one of the tallest breeds, it’s also one that doesn’t mind hot weather. Though Great Danes are huge, they like to lounge around, which helps them conserve energy and avoid overheating. This breed likes warm weather, too. 

Great Danes have short hair, which keeps them cool when it’s hot outside. This breed comes in many colors, including white, brindle, fawn, blue, and the list goes on with black and other dark colors. If you have a black or darkly colored Great Dane, then you’ll need to watch out for him getting too hot, as black absorbs the heat of the sun rather than reflecting it like the color white does. 


The highly intelligent and obedient Dalmatian is another dog breed that doesn’t mind hot weather. Dalmatians have lean, muscular physiques with very little body fat, which means they don’t have the “insulation” to keep warm for very long in cold weather. This is perfect for hot weather, however, and so is there short, white hair. Their white hair reflects the sunshine, and all those black little spots aren’t enough to cause them to overheat.

Dalmatians are probably best known for being a firefighter’s best friend. This dog breed is the #1 choice to live in firehouses and accompany firefighters as they locate and rescue people and domestic animals from burning buildings. Dalmatians aren’t intimidated by scorching hot temperatures. That being said, if you’re outside in hot weather with your Dalmatian, and you start to feel too hot, then you can be sure so does your dog. And both of you should move inside to cooler temperatures. 


The adorable Yorkie is a pint-sized dog breed with a lot of energy. This dog has medium-to-long hair, but the texture is thin, not thick, which helps this dog to feel cool in warm weather. Thanks to both the Yorkie’s small size and breezy hair, this dog tends to feel comfortable in hot temperatures. But be sure that a fresh bowl of cool water is always nearby. 

It’s important to note that even though Yorkies do well in hot weather, not every sidewalk will be safe. Asphalt, tar, and concrete can get as hot as 125 degrees in direct sunlight during the scorching summer months, which could burn your Yorkshire Terrier’s paws! Your Yorkie may need to wear little booties to protect his paws from the burning sidewalk. 


Greyhounds come in many different sizes. The Italian Greyhound is the smallest of all Greyhounds, weighing less than 10 lbs. No matter what the size of a Greyhound, they all do fairly well in hot weather thanks to their lack of body fat, short hair, and thin physique. Similar to the Chihuahua, this dog breed can easily spend time in the heat.


Even if you have one of the dog breeds on our list that are known to do well in hot weather, you still need to keep an eye on your dog to make sure he doesn’t overheat. Preventing your puppy from overheating in the first place is all about making sure he has access to cool, fresh water at all times, not keeping him outside in the heat for too long, and taking him into a cooler environment if he appears or feels too hot. The following are more specific instructions to be aware of: 

  • Don’t expect to keep your dog outside for very long if it’s a hot day
  • Have a variety of cooling products on hand, such as a fan, handheld fan, and a towel that you can wet with cool water and lay over your hot dog
  • Don’t leave your dog in the car—with windows cracked or not. Even on a cool day (the mid-60s), the temperature in a closed car rises to 130 degrees Fahrenheit in minutes. The dog’s own body temperature increases the heat and moisture inside the car, the oxygen then gets used up, and death can occur within 15 minutes!
  • Acclimate your dog to hot weather gradually and don’t exercise him on hot, humid days. (Working and sporting dog breeds, even water retrievers, can overheat if the water is warm.)
  • Make sure your home is cooled on warm days, especially if you must leave your dog home alone. Install a temperature alarm in your home that will alert your cell phone automatically if the temperature rises above 85 degrees. Installing a doggy cam is also helpful.
  • Don’t place a crated dog where there is inadequate ventilation in warm, stagnant air under tents or in poorly ventilated buildings.
  • Although a dog’s coat can provide insulation, double coats make a dog more vulnerable to overheating and dark coats absorb heat faster in the sun. Consider taking your dog to a groomer to be sheared in order to help him stay cool all summer.
  • Ask your veterinarian about your dog’s breed in terms of the potential for overheating.

The early warning signs that your puppy is overheating include:

  • Heavy panting
  • Salivation, or for “drooling” breeds extreme salivation
  • Bright-red membranes (nose, tongue, gums)
  • Labored breathing
  • Lethargy

If you notice any of these warning signs, you should take your puppy to the emergency vet right away, and in the meantime, cool him down by wetting him with cool (never cold) water, encouraging him to drink cool water, and of course getting into the cold air conditioning of your car (assuming that you will be driving him to the vet). It’s important not to wet or submerge your dog into cold water because “rapid cooling,” i.e. cooling down too fast can be dangerous if not fatal. 

Well, that wraps up Petland Texas’s list of the best dog breeds for hot weather! If you’re in Florida, feel free to stop in any of our Petland Texas locations to meet our Chihuahuas, Great Danes, Dalmatians, Yorkshire Terriers, and Italian Greyhounds in person, or check out our available puppies online!