
How To Encourage Your Puppy to Eat

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When your puppy doesn’t feel like eating, it’s natural to be concerned. A lack of appetite is usually a telltale sign that something just isn’t right, especially if your cuddly friend is a puppy. Without enough caloric intake or nutrients to nourish their growing bodies, many puppies will suffer from serious health conditions as adults.Sometimes, […]

When your puppy doesn’t feel like eating, it’s natural to be concerned. A lack of appetite is usually a telltale sign that something just isn’t right, especially if your cuddly friend is a puppy.

Without enough caloric intake or nutrients to nourish their growing bodies, many puppies will suffer from serious health conditions as adults.Sometimes, puppies don’t eat due to stress, an undetected health issue, or even picky eating (it happens!). Take the time to consider the causes of your puppy’s lack of appetite before tackling the problem. 

If your vet has determined that your pup is healthy (no underlying health issues), you can try enticing your puppy’s appetite with these tips!

  1. Combine canned food and chicken broth. Chicken broth and canned food can be a tasteful addition to your puppy’s dry food! Just add a small amount of canned dog food or prepared chicken broth to add some flavor. Make sure that both foods have the right ingredients for your puppy’s size and age. Neither food should be salted nor contain onions, chives, and other toxic ingredients.
  2. Try an interactive puppy toy. If your puppy is easily bored, they may not find mealtime interesting (even if they’re hungry!). You can make their meals fun and exciting by rewarding them with an interactive toy. Kong toys or IQ balls, for instance, are great for puppies who want mental exercise while they eat. Stop by Petland to check out our diverse selections of puppy toys!
  3. Use a food-flavored spray. When it comes to certain scents, puppies are like adult dogs. Some scents can awaken their appetites, giving them a reason to dig into their dog bowls. Yummy food sprays can give your puppy the right scent they need to chow down! Many spray flavors include peanut butter, bacon, cheese, and chicken. Spray a little bit of the scent on their food and wait for your puppy to approach. Do not spray a lot as this can discourage your pup from eating.
  4. Purchase a new food bowl. A new bowl is another way you can renew your pup’s appetite. You can purchase a bowl with an automatic feeder or a brand new dog dish. An automatic feeder gives your puppy full control over the amount of food they eat. When you have your pup’s new bowl, be sure to move to another spot in your home. This can help your puppy associate the new location as their feeding spot.
  5. Go for a quick walk. Many puppies are packed with endless energy, which can prevent them from eating. Take your puppy on a quick walk around your neighborhood or doggy park before their mealtime. If you aren’t able to take out your pup, try engaging them in an activity like a game of fetch or a fun exercise. Any physical activity can stimulate their bellies and become hungry.

If your puppy is still uninterested in their meals, we recommend taking them to the vet as soon as possible. Also, take a close look at their behavior and body language. If you notice that your pup is lethargic, has diarrhea, or yellow gums and eyes, go to the vet immediately. We hope these tips have encouraged your puppy to start eating!