
How To Travel with Your Puppy

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Traveling with your furry friend can be such a wonderful experience. When making your plans, be sure to check off some important things on your to-do list. You will need to ensure your pet has all their vaccinations, review airline policies, and other factors in order to travel safely together. There’s also the question of […]

Traveling with your furry friend can be such a wonderful experience. When making your plans, be sure to check off some important things on your to-do list. You will need to ensure your pet has all their vaccinations, review airline policies, and other factors in order to travel safely together. There’s also the question of your puppy’s own comfort—if your furbaby isn’t too cool with being away from home, you’re better off leaving them behind.

Here’s how you can travel safely with your puppy:

1. Check that your puppy is healthy. Before you start packing your furry friend’s toys, it’s highly important to ensure your puppy is healthy. Take them to the vet for a physical evaluation and vaccinations. You should also take your vet’s records with you while traveling, in case of any emergencies. If you’re traveling by air, you will need to show your puppy’s documents before boarding. We also recommend vaccinating your puppy for additional illnesses or ask your vet about calming remedies if your pup gets stressed.

2. Use a carrier or crate. During air or train travel, you will be required to keep your furry companion in a crate or carrier. It’s the safest way for your pup to travel without injury or accidents. We even recommend keeping your puppy in a crate or carrier while traveling by car. Puppies are energetic little creatures, and may cause you to become distracted. Many types of crates and carriers are sold at Petland, and you can ask our Pet counselors for their suggestions. 

3. ID and microchip your pup. Want to ensure your puppy will be found if they become lost? Get them an ID tag and microchip. Pet identification is the best way you can protect your pet and give others a way to bring them back to you. An ID tag should be secured on your puppy’s collar. Both collar and leash should also be secured safely around their necks (not too tight or too loose). The ID tag should contain their name, your name and contact information. Be sure to include proof of rabies shots as well. Microchipping is a painless yet effective form of pet identification.

4. Pack the right items. Packing suitcases isn’t exactly a glamorous task, but it has to be done. Taking your puppy with you on your travel adventures means you will need to pack their things too. These items include water, food, treats, blankets, towels, and of course, a first aid kit. You should also bring puppy pads in case of accidents.

5. Prepare for possible emergencies. Research local veterinarians and emergency pet care facilities in the areas you are planning to stay in. Save this list on a document or on your phone so you can take with you as you travel. Remember that puppies are young and vulnerable to their environment. They may become sick or stressed from the changes around them.

6. Check hotel and motel policies. Most hotels and motels don’t accept pets in their establishments. If they do accept animals, there are usually certain policies you and your furbaby must follow. Research motels and hotels that are pet-friendly, and make sure your puppy is on their best behavior during a stay. We know it’s a lot to ask for a lively and mischievous pup, but here are a few tips:  

  • Calm your puppy down at all times. Keeping your puppy calm while staying at a hotel prevents your pet from being a nuisance to hotel staff and neighbors. You can do this by bringing their favorite toys, treats, and using previous training methods. 
  • Never leave your puppy alone. Puppies may become stressed in an unfamiliar environment, which may cause them to lash out and destroy anything in their path. 
  • Take your puppy on a walk and pick up their trash. At some point, your puppy may need to use the potty. Ask hotel staff for the best areas to take your puppy for their business. Make sure to bring a trash bag if they leave a mess behind. 
  • Leave the hotel room in good condition. Never leave the hotel room in a mess, especially one caused by your furbaby. Keeping your room in a good condition will encourage hotel staff to continue accepting pets in the future.  

Stressful yet fun, travel can be an experience that you can use to bond with your puppy. Most of the time, however, puppies prefer staying in their home. You may consider leaving them with a friend or taking them to a kennel. Many veterinarian facilities have boarding rooms for pets to stay in while you’re gone. If there’s absolutely no way you can leave your puppy behind, take our tips to heart and stay calm while you travel. Staying calm allows you and your puppy to have fun!