5 Fun Facts About Golden Retrievers

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Friendly and gentle, the Golden Retriever is a wonderful dog breed that makes for a great pet for all families. They’re incredibly affectionate with children, and will never back down from a playtime session. And yet, despite their popularity across the nation, there are many things you may not know about these adorable pooches.  Test […]

Friendly and gentle, the Golden Retriever is a wonderful dog breed that makes for a great pet for all families. They’re incredibly affectionate with children, and will never back down from a playtime session. And yet, despite their popularity across the nation, there are many things you may not know about these adorable pooches. 

Test your knowledge of these beautiful dogs with these 5 cool facts—and who knows? You may learn something new about the Golden Retriever in your life!

1. There are three types of Golden Retrievers.

Did you know that Golden Retrievers come in three different coat colors? They may all look the same, but we promise there are significant differences in shades. Golden Retrievers usually have three coat colors: golden, light golden, and dark golden. 

They also come in three types—English, Canadian, and American. English Golden Retrievers tend to be stockier than the other two breed types, and have a light golden and/or white coat. Canadian and American Golden Retrievers look similar, but Canadians have a thinner coat than their American cousins.

2. Goldens are naturally athletic.

You may mistake Golden Retrievers for being laid back but they are quite the athletes. Like many sporting breeds, they love to run, go on long walks, and play with their loved ones. Their muscular bodies also make it possible for these pooches to enjoy many fun activities. Goldens are especially fond of a good fetch game; it allows them to use their powerful legs! Because of their outgoing nature, they need regular exercise to be happy.  

3. Golden Retrievers love to swim.

Some dogs aren’t too fond of water—they may not like the sensation of being wet. Golden Retrievers, however, are a different story! They love swimming, and especially love water games. This love for swimming comes from their athletic personalities. You may see a Golden Retriever go for a cool swim in a lake before joining in a water frisbee game!

4. Golden Retrievers are family-oriented.

Describing Golden Retrievers as “affectionate” is quite an understatement. They absolutely adore their families. Like many dogs, Goldens have a “pack-like” mentality, which means anyone they deem as part of their “family” will receive fierce loyalty. Also, because of their friendliness, these beautiful dogs get along well with most people they meet and even other pets. 

5. Goldens are super easy to train. 

You may have noticed how much Golden Retrievers are used in TV shows and movies. There’s a reason for that! Goldens are one of the most trainable dogs in existence. They are eager to please their owners in every way that they can. Their loyalty to their loved ones also prevents them from lashing out or doing things the way they want. Obedience training is usually a breeze with this breed. Just be sure to socialize your Golden puppy early and use effective obedience training methods. 

As you can see, Golden Retrievers are amazing pets. They can be very high-energy at times but their loyalty and kindness will always win your heart. With a Golden Retriever at your side, we think it’s safe to say that you will have a trustworthy furry friend for life! 

Now, Goldens aren’t known for their barking habits, but there are some breeds who just won’t stop. Check out our 6 Dog Breeds That Love To Bark for more cute puppies!