
Best Hypoallergenic Dog Breeds for Allergies

hypoallergenic breeds

Do you have allergies? Many people who have allergies or who are mildly allergic to dogs have concluded that they’ll never be a dog owner. But hang on, not so fast. Did you know that there are several hypoallergenic dog breeds that do not aggravate allergy symptoms?  If you’ve always wanted a dog but have […]

Do you have allergies? Many people who have allergies or who are mildly allergic to dogs have concluded that they’ll never be a dog owner. But hang on, not so fast. Did you know that there are several hypoallergenic dog breeds that do not aggravate allergy symptoms? 

If you’ve always wanted a dog but have held off because you assumed you would suffer 10 years of allergies, we have good news! We’ve picked out the best dog breeds for people with allergies, and one of them could be right for you!

The pet counselors at Petland Texas are excited to introduce you to breeds, but first we would like to address one myth about “hypoallergenic” dogs. 

An adorable fluffy dog sits with its tongue out, looking happy about being a hypoallergenic dog breed.


If you’re allergic to dogs or have children who are, you may have heard the term “hypoallergenic dog breeds” and jumped for joy. Don’t get us wrong, hypoallergenic breeds are a godsend for some pet parents, but there’s something you need to know before assuming that a hypoallergenic puppy won’t cause any allergic reactions. 

All dogs, whether they are labeled “hypoallergenic” or not, shed allergy-causing proteins. The reason for this is that the dog’s fur is not the source of the protein. Rather, the fur is where the allergy-causing protein gets trapped and carried around. 

The reality is that the saliva, urine, and skin of all dogs is where this protein originates from. 

Because this protein is often carried on the fur, a large, thickly coated, fluffy dog breed will cause worse allergy symptoms for an allergic person than a hairless dog, for example. 

That being said, dogs that are deemed hypoallergenic could trigger mild symptoms or even no symptoms at all. But we would be remiss if we let you believe that there were dog breeds out there that are fully hypoallergenic and guaranteed to cause no allergy symptoms at all. Unfortunately, this isn’t the case. 

Now that we got that little disclaimer out of the way…

The cutest Maltese dog that's white and fluffy poses as an example of hypoallergenic dogs for sale in Texas.


Let’s look at the best dog breeds for people with allergies! By choosing the right low-grooming, low-shedding breed, you can enjoy a happy life with a dog without suffering. The trick is to brush your dog and clean your home frequently, and if possible during the warm months keep your dog outside. 


The Maltese is a toy dog with a mantle of long, silky, white hair from head to foot. It is gentle-mannered, affectionate, and sprightly in action. Despite its size, Maltese puppies possess the vigor needed for a satisfactory companion. For all its diminutive size, the Maltese seems to be without fear. Its trust and affectionate responsiveness are very appealing. It is among the gentlest mannered of all little dogs, yet it is lively and playful as well as vigorous.

A regal Bichon Frise purebred dog sits on a white backdrop, ready to be taken home to its pet dander sensitive family.

Bichon Frise

A cheerful, happy dog, the Bichon Frise is small and sturdy with a dark-eyed inquisitive expression and a plumed tail it carries merrily over the back. The breed is often compared to a cotton ball due to its curled double coat, which consists of a textured outer coat and a silky undercoat. The Bichon Frise’s coat must be white, but may have shadings of buff, cream or apricot around the ears or on the body.


The Labradoodle is a designer breed resulting from a cross between a Labrador Retriever and a Poodle. At their absolute best, the Labradoodle is an intelligent, sociable, friendly, inquisitive and affectionate puppy. It sheds very little and is considered a hypoallergenic dog. Labradoodle puppies are happy, intelligent, and affectionate. They are devoted to their family and enjoy life as an energetic companion. Labradoodle puppies are very easy going, never aggressive, and very loving.

Yorkshire Terrier

The Yorkshire Terrier or Yorkie is a sturdy, compact, toy terrier, covered with a long, straight, blue, and tan coat. It has a small, slightly rounded head, a moderate-length, tapered muzzle, a black nose, dark, medium-sized eyes, and small, erect, v-shaped ears. Yorkies are long-lived and hypoallergenic. This is a bold, lively, self-confident toy terrier. 

A white Miniature Poodle is featured as the most popular hypoallergenic breed for children with dog fur allergies.

Poodle (Miniature or Standard)

The Poodle is exceptionally smart, active and excels in obedience training. He is also the only breed that comes in three size varieties. This size choice may be why the Poodle is one of the most popular breeds, according to AKC Registration Statistics. Carrying himself proudly, very active, intelligent, the Poodle has about him an air of distinction and dignity peculiar to himself.


Havanese puppies are playful and alert. They are highly trainable and intelligent with a sweet, friendly, and gentle disposition. The Havanese is a small sturdy dog of immense charm. It is slightly longer than tall, and covered with a profuse mantle of untrimmed long, silky, wavy hair. Its plumed tail is carried loosely curled over his rump. 


Now that we introduced you to the top 6 hypoallergenic dog breeds, we would like to make you aware of the worst dog breeds for people with allergies, especially those who are severely allergic to dogs. If that describes you, then you should definitely not get any of the following breeds:

  • Saint Bernard
  • Bulldog
  • German Shepherd
  • Boston Terrier
  • Pekingese


Now that you know the best dog breeds for people with allergies, and which breeds to avoid, the next step is to meet some of these breeds in person. This is an important part of the process and could take several trips to the pet store. You’ll need to spend time with and handle one breed at a time and see if you have a reaction that would indicate the breed won’t work for you.

Depending on the pet store, this could be easy or difficult. Pet stores have all kinds of puppies, kittens, and other furry pets which could spurn an allergic reaction. If you come into Petland Texas, you’ll notice our petting booths are spacious and we can wipe a booth down to remove lingering pet danger from previous puppies. This way, when you’re in the clean, sanitary booth with one puppy, you’ll have a better understanding if that puppy is causing a reaction or not. 

We hope to see you at Petland Texas soon!