Celebrate Valentine’s Day With Your Puppy

Petland Texas puppies Valentine's Day

On Valentine’s Day, it’s common to give and receive chocolates, teddy bears, roses and love poems as a token of love and appreciation. And while our puppies can’t give us chocolates or serenade us with love songs, we can still show our appreciation for them in numberless ways. Here’s how you can show your fur-baby […]

On Valentine’s Day, it’s common to give and receive chocolates, teddy bears, roses and love poems as a token of love and appreciation. And while our puppies can’t give us chocolates or serenade us with love songs, we can still show our appreciation for them in numberless ways.

Here’s how you can show your fur-baby some love this Valentine’s Day:

Get your puppy a nice gift

In the same way people enjoy getting gifts, puppies also enjoy receiving presents from their favorite humans. You can give your puppy a brand new toy, especially one that can be filled and mentally stimulating. Check out some of our must-have puppy toys for ideas. You can also create your own Valentine’s Day-themed puppy treats with DIY recipes available online or by checking out our delicious recipes.

Take your furry friend on a long walk

Walks are a great to build quality bonding time with your fur-baby, and fits perfectly with Valentine’s Day. You can either walk around your neighborhood or take your puppy out to a dog park. Apart from bonding, it also helps your puppy get their daily exercise and stimulates their senses. Make sure you’ve taken some precautions with your puppy before leaving the house, as it can prevent your fur-baby from getting lost.

Teach your pup a new trick

Like walking, teaching new tricks to your furry friend strengthens your bond. You can teach your puppy to crawl, sit, fetch, rollover or any commands that help build their social and behavioral skills. For more complicated tricks, you can taking your puppy to an obedience or agility class. Whatever you choose, your fur-baby will be most happy spending their Valentine’s Day with you!

Have a date night with your fur-baby

At the end of the day, you and your puppy may just opt for a night in on the couch to watch some movies or spend a relaxing evening together. You can give your puppy their favorite treats (or treats you made for them!) while giving them your undivided attention. This can further cement your bond with your puppy and makes this year’s Valentine’s Day a special one.

Valentine’s Day doesn’t just need to be a holiday that humans celebrate—your puppy can definitely join in on the fun. However you decide to celebrate Valentine’s Day with your fur-baby, it will surely be a memorable one for the both of you!