
How To Pick The Right Breed For You

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Choosing the right puppy for you can be an exciting yet frightening experience! After all,  you need to pick a breed that matches with you emotionally. Your furry friend also needs a home that can make them feel safe and loved at all times. Before you bring a puppy home, you need to think about […]

Choosing the right puppy for you can be an exciting yet frightening experience! After all,  you need to pick a breed that matches with you emotionally. Your furry friend also needs a home that can make them feel safe and loved at all times. Before you bring a puppy home, you need to think about the best possible breeds that fit in with you and your overall lifestyle. That way, you can live peacefully together under one roof!

While there are hundreds of dog breeds around the world, you need to know which one is the perfect fit for you. Thankfully, there are many puppy breeds that have their own unique traits and characteristics that can help you. Here are a few tips to consider when picking the right breed for you!

  1. Personality. Like people, every puppy has a distinctive personality that sets them apart from others. You’ll find that their quirks, likes, and dislikes make them incredibly irresistible for you. Many puppies also contain personality traits that are intrinsic to their particular breed. Terrier breeds, for instance,  are generally known to be outgoing and prone to barking. They usually enjoy activities that involve chasing an object, often due to their origins in farms as rat chasers. Sporting breeds are active and enjoy more exercise than the average dog, especially in open spaces. Many puppy parents pick smaller breeds for their size but they may not know that these breeds tend to have a tougher attitude. Most puppies have a personality by the time they turn 7 weeks old.  Depending on your personality, you will need to make sure you bring home a puppy you can understand and bond with. 
  2. Size. Do you prefer a small puppy or a large puppy? Regardless of your preference, the size of your puppy depends on your living conditions. If you live in an apartment or a condo, there are numerous puppy breeds that can adapt to it. Smaller breeds are delicate and sensitive when it comes to their homes. Most small breeds can live in small or large homes but remember: size definitely matters. You may find that some small puppies have a stubborn attitude despite their tiny stature! Larger breeds are the opposite. They need more space, food, doggy supplies, and more. Make sure you’re able to accommodate your living spaces and lifestyle for your furry friend. 
  3. Exercise Level. Every puppy needs routine exercise, regardless of their breed or size. But some breeds need a little more exercise than others. These breeds need activity for physical and mental reasons! For these puppies, life can become very boring so they may entertain themselves with bad behaviors like chewing on objects and making messes around the house. Be sure you review the amount of exercise that every puppy you like and see if it fits with your lifestyle. Read our blog, 5 Best Puppy Breeds For An Active Lifestyle to find out about the puppies that need lots of exercise.
  4. Physical Maintenance. Your puppy needs to be groomed often in order to look good! Some puppies have grooming needs that depend solely on their coat.  Many breeds have a short-haired coat, which is usually easier to maintain than a long-haired one. A short-haired puppy is less likely to have any mats and tangles. A puppy with a curly or wavy will need regular grooming as their hair may be prone to mats and tangles. Long-haired breeds also have double coats or thick undercoats that require extensive combing, de-matting, and more!
  5. Breed. Is there a puppy breed that stole your heart? Countless new pet parents pick a puppy for various different reasons. You may like a breed’s overall appearance. Maybe you liked growing up with a breed or always researched about them. You must note that every breed has separate needs that need to be understood by aspiring puppy parents. Your puppy is like a small child in many ways and it takes a lifetime to learn who they are. As such, you must be ready to take care of your puppy and the challenges that come with their breed including any future health problems!

When you bring your new puppy home, you’ll have lots of fun getting to know them! No matter how much you’ve researched about their breed, there will always be something that surprises you about your puppy. We promise that you’ll never be lonely when you have puppy with you. We at Petland hope you have fun looking for a furry cutie!