
Pet Safety Tips for Tornado Season

pet safety Petland Tyler puppies Tips tornadoes

Although tornado season varies depending on region, tornadoes can happen at any time and place without warning. Tornadoes are violent storms that can cause damage and heartache if not enough attention is placed preparing for it. Because of this, it’s important to take the necessary steps to ensure you and your pet(s) are safe and […]

Although tornado season varies depending on region, tornadoes can happen at any time and place without warning. Tornadoes are violent storms that can cause damage and heartache if not enough attention is placed preparing for it. Because of this, it’s important to take the necessary steps to ensure you and your pet(s) are safe and sound once the storm clears up.

If you live in a tornado-prone area, here are a couple of tips to prepare your pet for any potential tornadoes that may come up throughout the year.

1. Make sure your pets have proper ID and microchip

The first and important step to preparing for any natural disaster is to provide your beloved pet with a form of appropriate ID and microchip. This action is the best way to ensure that you are reunited with your pet if they become separated from you.

With an ID tag, you should make sure it has your up-to-date information and that it’s secure on your dog’s collar. Microchipping your pet is relatively painless and quick (administered like a vaccination!). When registering the microchip ID, make sure it has your most current information and at least one emergency contact.

2. Have a plan in place

You must come up with an effective plan that includes where you will go when the storm hits, food, water, and what to do in case of emergencies. Make sure to include your pet in your plans, taking into consideration their own needs and choosing a safe location they will be comfortable in. These steps can help ease your anxiety and allows you to stay safe while at home. You can also locate any safe shelters that also take in pets, especially if you live in an elevated or mobile home.

3. Find a safe room for you and your pets

Locate a safe room or area in your home that you and your pets can stay in during the storm. The room or area should be a place without any windows, doors, skylights, or openings. It should also be in the innermost section on the lowest floor of your home, like an inner bathroom or closet. You can also move into your basement or tornado shelter if you don’t have a specific room that fits this criteria. Never let your pets leave your home before, during, and after a tornado.

4. Practice your plan

Even if it isn’t tornado season in your area, we recommend regularly practicing your plan in drill sessions. Just choose a day where everyone is home and practice. You can assign the responsibility of a pet to a specific family member. You can also put a leash on your dog and rehearse/train going inside the safe room as calmly as you can. Bring toys and treats for quicker training.

5. Keep a pet emergency kit

A pet emergency kit includes most of the supplies in a human emergency kit, such as water, food, blankets, and medicines. Food, water, and medication supplies should last for at least two weeks or more. We also recommend storing dry food in ziplock bags or plastic containers to avoid it getting wet from indoor flooding. Keep one gallon of water per family member and one per pet for each day.

Other supplies you should include in your pet emergency kit include:

  • A kennel or crate
  • Toys
  • Treats
  • Leash and collars
  • Plastic bags
  • Towels
  • Copy of your pet’s medical records

6. Know about the dangers after the storm

Once the storm has passed on, avoid letting your pets go outside until you receive notification from officials. Typically, after natural disasters, glass, electrical lines, sharp nails and other debris are often scattered on the floors of streets, causing many injuries to you and your furry friend. Your pet can also encounter wild animals that have been removed from their natural homes by the storm. Be careful with drinking the water in your home as the water may be contaminated.

Planning ahead before a tornado hits your area gives you and your pet a chance to keep safe and stay together. Remember to always ensure your pet is absolutely comfortable and remain calm at all times. A calm and positive attitude will, in turn, help your pet relax in the face of storm.