What unites cutting-edge technology with soft puppies, you ask? The year 2023! Artificial intelligence has been rapidly integrating with everyday devices to transform these practical tools into lifestyle-enhancing timesavers. Of course, we don’t have to tell you that. Your smartphone is probably a fifth limb by now. But finally, new technology can now assist you […]
Christmas is right around the corner so it’s time to begin shopping for the best presents for everyone special in your life! While you plan out shopping trips and compare gift items, don’t forget to include your puppy in your shopping list. Your puppy loves you more than anything in the world, and a well-thought-out […]
Is there anything sweeter than receiving the gift of an adorable puppy on Christmas? At Petland Texas, we can’t think of anything that comes close! On Christmas Eve, we decided to add a little sparkle to the Christmas magic for various families by delivering their cuddly puppies to their doorstep! Individuals who purchased a Petland […]