
What You Need to Know About Feeding Your Aquarium Fish

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Do your fish “beg” for food whenever you’re around? If so, don’t fall for it. Overfeeding is one of the most common mistakes beginner aquarists make. When you overfeed your fish, leftover pieces may clog your filter and break down into harmful toxins that can be fatal to your pet fish. It’s easy to assume […]

Do your fish “beg” for food whenever you’re around? If so, don’t fall for it. Overfeeding is one of the most common mistakes beginner aquarists make. When you overfeed your fish, leftover pieces may clog your filter and break down into harmful toxins that can be fatal to your pet fish.

It’s easy to assume that your pet fish are hungry when they swim up your tank. Most of the time, however, your fish will eat whenever they have the chance, not when they’re actually hungry. So how can you tell whether you’re overfeeding your little critters?

Read on to find out what you need to know about feeding your aquarium fish.

How do fish typically eat?

In the wild, fish are opportunistic eaters. If there’s lots of food to eat, they will gobble up what they can several times a day. However, when there aren’t food sources available, many fish species will go for days without eating. 

Your fish will likely eat any food you give them without much thought. They may also “beg” by swimming up to the tank whenever they see you or the person who typically feeds them.

How many times should you feed your fish?

The number of times you feed your fish depends solely on the type of fish you have. Many aquarists prefer feeding their fish twice a day. Most fish species will thrive on just one feeding per day though. 

There are some fish species, like Mollies and Silver Dollars Fish, that need to be fed frequently due to their small stomachs. Other fish prefer to eat at certain times of the day—some catfish species, for example, like to eat at night!

What’s the right amount to feed your fish?

What really matters is how much you feed them. During feedings, you should always provide a small portioned amount to your tank so that remnants don’t remain in the water. If you’re in doubt, always underfeed. You can later determine whether your fish needs another small feeding to satisfy their appetite. 

Make sure you’re giving your fish the right kind of food as well. Nutritious fish foods help keep your fish happy and healthy in your aquarium.

What are the effects of overfeeding?

Overfeeding your fish will likely not have obvious effects on your aquarium at first. Over time, however, you may notice that your little critters may become stressed. They may lose a fin or become constantly sick. 

Some fish may develop a fatty liver disease from being overfed too many times. Your tank’s nitrate, pH balance, and other chemistry levels may also rise or decrease to dangerous levels that are fatal to aquatic life. You may also notice an overgrowth of algae in your aquarium, which worsens the effects of overfeeding.

Your fish depend on you for their quality of life and wellbeing. If you do end up overfeeding by accident, do your fish and aquarium, and remove uneaten food from the water as soon as you can. A clean and healthy tank is the key to a thriving aquarium, so remember to be consistent. We hope these tips help your fish and aquarium flourish in your home. 

Be sure to check out our blog, Are Aquarium UV Filters Worth It? to learn more about UV filters and how they can keep algae away from your tank!