
What Your Puppy’s Kisses Mean

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One of the very first experiences a puppy ever has is of its mother’s licking. Mommy dogs lick their pups to clean and tend to them. This stimulates the puppies’ bodily development and that’s not all.   The bonding that takes place between mommy and puppy during these moments leaves more than a damp impression on […]

One of the very first experiences a puppy ever has is of its mother’s licking. Mommy dogs lick their pups to clean and tend to them. This stimulates the puppies’ bodily development and that’s not all.  

The bonding that takes place between mommy and puppy during these moments leaves more than a damp impression on the puppy. It helps shape the puppy’s psyche and instincts, but he doesn’t know that. To him, those licks mean love, safety, affection, and deep care, and soon the puppy will feel the urge to spread the same kind of love to others, like you! 

In the language of dogs, licks are the equivalent of kisses. But have you ever wondered why your puppy kisses you so much and what those kisses mean?

Read on to find out what your puppy is trying to tell you when he kisses you.


Dogs lick to show signs of affection and let their owners know that they’re happy to see them. If you have a puppy, you may have noticed that the little guy loves to go for your face and plant wet kisses right on your mouth! 

What you might not know is that your puppy experiences a huge rush of endorphins when he lays the love on extra thick. That’s right, he actually feels a “happy high” as he kisses you. This causes him to associate kissing you with receiving a dopamine boost, which gives him all the more reason to show you even more affection!  


In a lot of ways, puppies experience the world with their mouths, sort of similar to human babies. During their months of weaning, puppies bite, nibble, and lick just about everything in sight. It’s their way of exploring their surroundings and collecting information.

When a puppy is old enough to leave his mother, he will continue to investigate the world—and you!—with his mouth. And specifically, he will use his sense of taste to satisfy his curiosity. Whether you’re a bit sweaty from exercise or you’re wearing new perfume, your puppy is going to be interested. He’ll lick you up and down as part of his investigation to figure out what you’ve been up to.


Did you know that dogs use kisses to indicate their social status? Within the world of canines, when a dog kisses another dog, he is demonstrating his subservience, or lower social status, to the dog he is kissing. This type of kiss is a way for the dog to say, “I appreciate your leadership and I’m loyal to you.” And these kinds of kisses, when used in a pack, help to maintain the hierarchy and minimize fights. 

When your puppy kisses you briefly on the cheek, he could be trying to show you his humble social status. Or maybe he’s giving you a kiss to thank you for being an excellent leader of the pack! Either way, your pup wants you to know that he thinks highly of you.  


At times, your puppy will want your attention to the point of demanding it. But those “demands” aren’t necessarily pushy… More like wet. If your puppy kisses you and won’t take “no” for an answer, it could be that he really wants and needs your attention. But why?

Your puppy is just plain bored. Hey, it happens. Look on the bright side, though. A bored puppy will either get your attention with kisses, or entertain himself by gnawing on your favorite pair of sneakers. If your puppy clobbers you with attention-seeking kisses, it might be a good idea to play a quick game with him or take him for a walk around the block. Otherwise, you may end up needing to take a trip to the shoe store. 


There’s really only one reason to be concerned about your puppy’s kisses, and that is when the licking seems obsessive or compulsive. Obsessive licking could be a red flag that indicates a serious underlying health issue. Your dog could be in pain, suffering from an allergy or infection, or otherwise experiencing intolerable anxiety.

The More Puppy Love, the Better!

If you believe your puppy’s licking rises to the level of obsessive-compulsiveness, it’s important to take him to the vet to see what’s going on. The veterinarian will first identify or hopefully rule out an underlying medical issue. If the obsessive licking is behavioral and due to anxiety, then there are medications the vet could recommend. The first step is to make the appointment. Better to be safe than sorry.

Dogs are known to play favorites and kiss some people more than others. Certain breeds are bigger kissers than others, too. But do puppies like kisses? Should you plant a big, wet, fat one on your dog’s snout? If your pup seems playful, then giving him a peck is fine. Just be careful not to demand kisses from your puppy, because doing so could cause the pup to lash out. 

Instead, be happy when your puppy showers you with kisses, and when he doesn’t, just know that he still loves you.
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