
When Should You Start Brushing Your Puppy’s Teeth?

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Dental hygiene is an important part of your puppy’s health. Without consistent brushing, your puppy’s teeth will get a buildup of plaque, tartar, bacteria, and other dental debris. This can eventually lead to gum disease, which can further harm your fur-baby’s overall health.  By brushing your puppy’s teeth early on, you can prevent them from […]

Dental hygiene is an important part of your puppy’s health. Without consistent brushing, your puppy’s teeth will get a buildup of plaque, tartar, bacteria, and other dental debris. This can eventually lead to gum disease, which can further harm your fur-baby’s overall health. 

By brushing your puppy’s teeth early on, you can prevent them from developing any dental diseases. Of course, you may be wondering: when should you start brushing your puppy’s teeth? Should you start brushing, even if they still have their milk teeth? How do you even get started? 

In this blog, we’ll explore when is the best time to start brushing your fur-baby’s teeth, and how to maintain a perfect dental care routine. Let’s get started!

When should you start brushing your puppy’s teeth?

There’s no magic age your puppy needs to be so that you can begin their dental care routine. As soon as your furry friend has milk teeth, you should start brushing their teeth regularly. 

When you start early, your puppy will grow accustomed to the sensation of its teeth and mouth being touched. That way, once their permanent teeth settle in at 4 to 6 months, it’ll be easier to brush their teeth without having them flinching or squirming. 

What do you need to start your puppy’s dental care routine?

Never start brushing your puppy’s teeth right away. Instead, start by gathering the best dental materials for dogs such as toothpaste and toothbrush. Make sure that the toothpaste and toothbrush you use are specifically designed for dogs. 

Most dog toothpaste comes in different flavors that your puppy will definitely enjoy. The reason why you shouldn’t use human toothpaste on your puppy is xylitol. Xylitol is a sugar substitute that is completely toxic for dogs. 

Human toothpaste is also meant to be spat out, while dog toothpaste can be safely swallowed by your furry friend. For small puppies, you can use toothbrushes with a small head. 

How do you start your puppy’s dental routine?

Starting your puppy’s dental routine sounds frightening but it gets easier with practice. Just start gradually, using your fingers to rub your pup’s mouth and teeth. Once they’re used to having their mouth touched, bring out the toothbrush. Let them sniff and check out their toothbrush. 

If you want, let your puppy have a taste of their toothpaste. After this, you can start brushing their teeth. Make sure to give your pup a treat and lots of kisses when you’re finished. This helps them associate their dental routine with a positive experience. 

How do you maintain a good dental care routine for your puppy?

Maintaining good dental hygiene for your puppy is the best way to keep their teeth healthy. For the best dental care, you should brush your furry friend’s teeth once a day. It doesn’t matter what time of the day you decide to brush your puppy’s teeth—it could be in the morning, before bed, or even after you’ve brushed your teeth. When you find the best time for your puppy’s dental routine, remember to stick to it. 

Consistency is key to dental care and it’s easier for your puppy to get used to the routine if it’s done at the same time every day. We also recommend giving your puppy lots of praise and kisses after their tooth brushing. 

Dental hygiene is super important for puppies. Unfortunately, it’s also incredibly easy for puppy parents to forget! Once you’ve set a schedule for your puppy’s tooth brushing time, don’t forget to maintain it. 

If you decide to brush your puppy’s teeth at different times of the day, you’ll only confuse your puppy. This will make it harder for your furry friend to look forward to their dental care routine. Remember: dogs are creatures of habit. 

If you make it a habit to brush their teeth at a specific time each day, your puppy will have squeaky clean teeth their whole life!