
Safety Tips for Your Pup This Fourth of July

Fireworks Fourth of July Petland Texas Safety Tips

Fourth of July is a day of great celebration and fun activities. However, it is important to remember the safety of your fur-babies on this hectic day. As you prepare for barbecues and fireworks here are some tips on how to keep your puppy safe during this Independence Day. 1. Keep Your Puppy Indoors: It […]

Fourth of July is a day of great celebration and fun activities. However, it is important to remember the safety of your fur-babies on this hectic day. As you prepare for barbecues and fireworks, here are some tips on how to keep your puppy safe during this Independence Day.

1. Keep Your Puppy Indoors: It is safer to keep your puppy at home during Fourth of July celebrations. Puppies can be easily startled by the loud noise of fireworks. When fireworks are shot and festivities begin, take your puppy inside a room that is comfortable and secure. Make sure to provide your puppy with various toys so they can stay entertained. Your pup will feel much safer and less likely to be startled by the harsh noises.

2. Table Scrapes: Avoid the temptation of feeding your puppy pal human food. This could be harmful to your puppy and could put them at risk of serious medical danger.

3. Comfort Your Fur-Baby: If your furry pal seems scared or anxious, spend some time talking and playing. This will help soothe and relax your pup.

4. Collar ID tag & Microchip: Make sure all the information on your pup’s ID tag and microchip profile is up-to-date in case your puppy runs away. You should also make sure to secure your fences and exit doors to prevent your pups from escaping.

We hope these tips ensure that you and your puppy have an amazing and safe Fourth of July!

If you want to learn how to keep your puppy safe this summer, check out our blog: Keep Your Puppy Cool This Summer.