Blog Archive puppy socialization

10 Steps to Raising the Perfect Puppy

10 Steps to Raising the Perfect Puppy

One of the hottest topics within the pet community today centers on raising the perfect puppy. Responsible puppy owners are aware that their fur baby’s puppyhood is a critical time. If you only dote on your puppy, you might end up with a disobedient dog in the long run. So, what can you do now […]

The Best Dog Parks in Florida for Puppies

The Best Dog Parks in Florida for Puppies

When you begin socializing your puppy with other humans and dogs, it’s important that your puppy has positive experiences. Puppies are impressionable, especially when they’re meeting mature dogs. If your puppy has a bad experience interacting with an older dog, it could cause him to be fearful and skittish for years to come.  The fact […]

A Complete Guide on Puppy Socialization

A Complete Guide on Puppy Socialization

What is the best thing about puppies? Some owners would say their insatiable playfulness. Others would mention their unconditional love. And other owners would bring up a million other common puppy traits that make them irresistible for us. In truth, all of these answers are right! Puppies are wonderful little furballs and when it comes […]