Top 5 Reasons Why Your Pet Needs an ID Tag

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Even if your pet is always indoors, it’s a good idea that they have an ID tag on at all times. Disasters, accidents, and escapes can happen when you least expect it, regardless of how well-trained your pet is. Psychology Today reports that less than 2% of cats and only 15 to 20% of dogs […]

Even if your pet is always indoors, it’s a good idea that they have an ID tag on at all times. Disasters, accidents, and escapes can happen when you least expect it, regardless of how well-trained your pet is. Psychology Today reports that less than 2% of cats and only 15 to 20% of dogs come back home to their owners. Many of these unidentified pets end up in shelters without being claimed or as stray animals in the streets, where they’re exposed to various dangers. 

An ID tag gives your pet the chance to be identified and returned home to you safe and sound. It also lets others know that your pet belongs to a person. Just like humans who have ID cards on them all the time, pets need ID tags for their own safety and wellbeing. Here are the top 5 reasons why your pet needs an ID. 

1. ID tags are easy to read.

ID tags often display your pet’s information in clear text. This makes it easy for anyone who finds your lost pet to learn what your pet’s name is and your contact information. Your pet may also have a microchip, but they must be taken to a shelter or a veterinarian to have it scanned. It’s a process that takes longer than reading contact information on a tag. Some ID tags also come with digital profiles that contain valuable information about your pet’s contact and medical information, allowing others to identify external injuries and provide your furry bestie with sufficient care until they’re returned.

2. Your pet can return home.

From natural storms to a faulty fence, your pet can become separated from you through a variety of unforeseen events. Because an ID tag usually comes with contact information, it’s easy for rescuers to call and locate you quickly. Some owners may choose to mark the word “reward” onto a pet’s ID tag. This helps encourage strangers to return your pet faster through a positive incentive. Of course, you will need to provide an actual reward if your pet comes back home through this manner.

3. ID tags show your pet isn’t a stray.

Many people refuse to touch or go near an animal that “looks” like a stray. Stray pets usually don’t have any form of external identification on them. Therefore, if your pet doesn’t have a collar with an ID tag, most strangers will mistake them as a stray animal. This ruins the chances of your pet’s return. An animal wearing an ID tag and collar allows others to identify them as a pet—a member of one’s family—which can lead them to stop and help the animal get home as soon as possible. 

4. ID tags provide more information.

Does your pet have special health issues? If so, it’s impossible for your pet to communicate any injuries or conditions they have to rescuers when they’re lost. An ID tag can provide extra information about your pet’s health conditions, including their disabilities, allergies, and medical conditions. This lets those who directly interact with your pet become aware of their health issues so that they treat them with special care while they locate you.

5. ID tags can be stylish.

There is a wide range of beautiful tags that owners can stylize for their pets within a reasonable budget. Choosing a stylized ID tag is also lots of fun! Which ID tag best fits your pet? Is black or red their color? It may take a while to produce the best ID tag but it’s well worth the time and effort you spend in the selection process. From princess to sports ID tags, your pet’s personality can shine bright through their identification. These types of tags are also easy to identify with a pet’s collar so strangers may be willing to approach them.

ID tags are one of the best ways to ensure your pet is safe when they’re lost. These tags, along with a microchip, identify your pet and where they come from, ensuring that your pet safely makes their way back to you (with some help from kind strangers!). It’s for this reason we honor and inform pet owners about the importance of ID tags during National Pet ID Week so that when pets are lost, they will be able to find a safe way back home. We hope that these tips help you protect your pet and ensure their safe return home. 

Check out our blog, 3 Tips to Ensure Your Puppy Never Gets Lost for more tips on proper identification for pets.