Blog Archive Safety Tips

How to Protect Your Puppy on July 4th

How to Protect Your Puppy on July 4th

Fourth of July is a day of great celebration and fun activities. However, it is important to remember the safety of your fur-babies on this hectic day. As you prepare for barbecues and fireworks here are some tips on how to keep your puppy safe during this Independence Day. 1. Keep Your Puppy Indoors: It […]

10 Pet Safety Tips for This Halloween

10 Pet Safety Tips for This Halloween

Halloween is a fun time for families to celebrate with spookiness, creative costumes, and of course, candy! Most pets, however, may find the festivities a bit too much—almost like a nightmare. For them, there’s nothing exciting about loud noises and strangers in weird costumes knocking at your door every minute.  Your pet’s curiosity may also […]

5 Tips for Your Pup’s Safety This Halloween

5 Tips for Your Pup’s Safety This Halloween

Halloween, for many people, is a time of celebration, tons of candy, and fun costumes. Your puppy, however, may feel a bit overwhelmed by the decorations, excitement, and constant knocking of strangers dressed in scary costumes at your door. Naturally, as pack animals, your fur-ball will want to defend you from these trick-or-treaters, putting them […]

3 Tips To Ensure Your Puppy Never Gets Lost

3 Tips To Ensure Your Puppy Never Gets Lost

Loosing your pet is one experience your should never have to go through. Thankfully there are a few precautions you can take to assure your pup will not get lost. 1. Microchip  This is possibly the most important thing that you can do for your best friend. If your dog gets lost, rescuers can identify […]

Petland Urges Safety When Handling Any Puppy

Petland Urges Safety When Handling Any Puppy

“Regardless of where they come from, any puppy and dog can carry Campylobacter germs.”  According to the CDC, nearly 1.3 million people in the United States are affected each year by Campylobacter.  Petland is concerned to hear that 39 of these cases, or .0003-percent of all infections in the nation, were identified as having a […]

Fire Safety Tips

Fire Safety Tips

A pet is considered a valued member of any family and just as you’d implement a fire safety plan for your family, one should be implemented for your furry friend. On July 15th, 2017, we celebrate National Pet Fire Safety Day, here are some tips on how to protect your fur-baby in case of […]

Why Dogs Are Still at Risk of a Sunburn

Why Dogs Are Still at Risk of a Sunburn

Ah summer, the wonderful season filled with beach days, weekends at the cottage, and picnics in the park. Unfortunately, if you’re not careful it’s also the season, of blotchy, red, irritating sunburn. We know that sunburns are a serious summertime issue for humans, but what about dogs? As it turns out, despite their fur coats […]